2020-2022马里兰大学Center for Health and Risk Communication研究项目Social media data mining and content analysis: the case of COVID-19(主持,结项)
2019-2021马里兰大学Center for Health and Risk Communication研究项目Social media massage and information sharing(参与,结项)
2019-2021马里兰大学Center for Health and Risk Communication研究项目Message framing and wildfire donation(参与,结项)
2019年:参与创作的论文获美国全国传播学会(NCA)年会的Public Relations Division最佳论文奖(Top Paper Award)
Ma, L., Wang, Y., & Kim, J. (2022). How health organizations communicate about COVID-19 on social media: A comparative content analysis.Journal of Communication in Healthcare. doi: 10.1080/17538068.2022.2103334
Ma, L. & Zhang, Y. (2022). Three social-mediated publics in digital activism: A network approach of public segmentation.Social Media + Society. doi: 10.1177/20563051221094775
Kim, J., Wang, Y.,Ma, L., & Chatham, A. (2022). Engaging the public in disaster communication: The effect of message framing on sharing intentions for social media posts.International Journal of Strategic Communication. doi: 10.1080/1553118X.2022.2033979
Wang, Y., Kim, J., Chatham, A., &Ma, L. (2022). “I lose”, “I gain” vs. “They lose”, “They gain”: The influence of message framing on donation intention in the wildfire disaster.Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research.5(1), 1–34. doi: 10.30658/jicrcr.5.1.1.
贺建平,王永芬,马灵燕. (2015).受难与国耻建构:“重庆大轰炸”集体记忆的媒介话语策略.国际新闻界,12, 89–104. doi: 10.13495/j.cnki.cjjc.2015.12.005
马灵燕. (2014).别了,鹿铃声——对纪录片《神鹿啊,我们的神鹿》的文化解读.新闻研究导刊(13),131–132. doi: cnki:sun:xwdk.0.2014-13-085
马灵燕 &胡元姣. (2012).食品安全报道中专家的媒介形象建构——以《中国青年报》《重庆晚报》为例.新闻前哨(07),35–39. doi: cnki.sun.xwqs.0.2012-07-025.
Ma, L. (2022, May). A case study about how activist groups contribute to the combat against COVID-19 in China.Present atthe 72nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Paris.
Kim, J., Wang, Y.,Ma, L., & Chatham, A. (2020, March). The relative persuasiveness of gain-and-loss-framed messages: Exploring the moderating role of the first-versus-third-person perspective.Presented at the International Crisis & Risk Communication Conference. Orlando.
Wang, Y., Kim, J., Chatham, A., &Ma, L. (2020, March).“I lose”, “I gain” vs. “They lose”, “They gain”:The influence of message framing on donation intention in the wildfire disaster.Presented at the International Crisis & Risk Communication Conference. Orlando.
Ma, L. & Yan, Y. (2020, March).From communicative actions to protective actions: Applying and extending the situational theory of problem solving to a Chinese vaccine crisis. Presented at the International Public Relations Research Conference. Orlando.
Page, T., Seate, A., Chatham, A., Lim, J., Shi, D.,Ma, L., & Wang, X. (2019, November).The power of pre-existing relationships: Situational crisis communication theory & the revised model of reputation repair. Presented at National Communication Association (NCA) 105th Annual Convention. Baltimore (Top Paper Award).
Ma, L. & Zhang, Y. (2019, May).Three social-mediated publics in information flow: A networking model of public segmentation. Presented at the 69th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference. Washington D.C.